Category Archives: News & Updates
Nova Legacy: Developing A First Comercial Game
Finally, I can write about Nova Legacy, which has been a few months in the works and nearing completion for public comercial release! Nova Legacy is a top-down 2D real-time resource and strategy game. You start as the lone survivor of … Continue reading
Core Gameboy – A C99 Gameboy Emulator
Imran Nazar has written a great GameBoy emulation tutorial for the Javascript programming language, using new features of the HTML5 standard (mainly canvas). I’ve gone through six out of the 10 articles, and have posted my code onto GitHub for … Continue reading
oDataiOS Version 1.0 Released!
oDataiOS is a clean and simple oData library for the iOS platform! Finally, something to replace the existing huge monolithic OData4ObjC. The main driving force for this programming effort was the need for a futures / promise asynchronous programming-model to integrate with my … Continue reading