I recently game a very impromptu talk at MobileUXCamp in Seattle over the weekend. Though a great experience, I wish I had prepared, then again I had no idea I was going to present until 30 minutes before! The topic was “iOS Development for non-engineers”, which was a quick pseudo-technical introduction of building an iOS application for UX designers: I went over the process of setting up a development environment, then over critical concepts (Objective-C as your development language, how GUI building works in XCode, etc.), and finally went over a few examples.
As always with these last-minute presentations, my real-time examples didn’t work, but I was still able to show a live-video of how building an application, and how UIViews and UIViewControllers are related to *.xib files.
If you are interested, I’ve shared the presentation here on Google Docs. If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me! Finally, here are a few links that are related to questions asked by attendees.
- Learning C: The basis of the Objective-C language (Book title: “learn c in 24 hours”)
- Apple’s iOS UX standard (formally called “Apple Human Interface Guideline”)
- iOS Developer Documentation (start with “Start Developing iOS Apps Today“)
- Want to learn Objective-C without OSX: GnuStep! I wrote an article on this a while ago, but it is still relavent.
Good luck, and as always: have fun programming!